As a Platinum Elite provider of Invisalign services in Sydney, we will be holding “Invisalign Information Nights” exclusive to My Dental Care, starting this November.
So often we find that patients have many questions prior to choosing an Invisalign™ Dentist. Come join us at our beautiful dental clinic in Meadowbank. Dr. Louis Chan and his team of experts will be discussing Invisalign Treatments and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
We will also be launching our “MyInvisalign Interest Free Payment Plans” exclusive to My Dental Care.
My Dental Care: Based in Meadowbank we have been providing the highest of care from our Meadowbank C,linic fpr 15+ years. Our Invisalign Clinic is based in Meadowbank. So its is quite central to Sydney CBD, North West Sydney, Western and Southern Sydney. Free parking available.
Dr. Louis Chan: Dr. Louis Chan has dedicated his life to dentistry and the health of others. 24 years of professional experience. He has dedicated his life to improving peoples health, pain and smiles.
Wednesday November 15, 2023
Wednesday November 29,2023
TIME: 7:00 – 8:30pm
WHERE: My Dental Care – Meadowbank.
ADDRESS: Shop 7.5, 11 Bay Drive, Meadowbank, NSW, 2114
**Light Refreshments will be available
To attend any of our Free Invisalign Information Nights please fill out the form below.
PLEASE NOTE: One of our team will contact you to go through your booking form before confirmation.
Have a question or need to make a booking?
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For all enquiries, please contact us via the form below: