Root Canal Treatment
Do you feel sudden pain in your tooth when you eat hot, cold or sweet foods?
This could signify tooth decay which has eroded the enamel and dentine, exposing the delicate centre of your tooth which is sensitive. It is extremely important that you visit us if you are experiencing dental pain as tooth pain is never a good thing. It is most likely that you will require a filling, inlay or onlay if you are experiencing tooth pain, however, if you continue to ignore tooth pain then you may require root canal therapy (otherwise known as endodontics).
When will I require a root canal?
You will require a root canal when dental decay reaches the most interior part of the tooth (the delicate nerve endings known as the pulp). This is where the sensation of each individual tooth is felt, and therefore also where pain is felt. If left untreated dental decay can travel through your nerves proceeding down to the critical structures that hold your tooth in place. This can then result in the loss of a tooth due to decay which will later require a dental implant.
The best way to see if you require a root canal is to visit MyDental Care so that we can properly diagnose your condition and offer the best route of treatment. In most cases your tooth will be able to be saved with endodontics however in the event the treatment fails you may require extraction and a dental implant replacement. Sometimes you may also require a crown after root canal therapy as the tooth structure may have been damaged significantly. A crown is still a better solution when compared to extraction as you will be able to maintain the natural connection between your tooth and your jaw which is the most durable connection for optimum function of your teeth.
The root canal procedure
During a root canal treatment your dentist will ensure that you are comfortable with the right anaesthesia for the procedure. Your dentist will then enter the centre of your tooth from the top so that the damaged and decayed pulp can be removed. The area will then be cleaned so that no bacteria is left and the hole will be filled with a composite resin which is a tooth-coloured safe material for your mouth. This will seal the treated area of the tooth and ensure your tooth looks completely natural again. After the procedure you will notice that you will have reduced or no feeling in that particular tooth as the sensitive nerves will have been removed.
If you’re nervous about your root canal treatment please let our dental team know when you make your appointment. We ensure that every one of our patients receive the best possible treatment in a comfortable environment.